Frequently Asked Question

How do I configure a lobby phone without dialpad?
Last Updated 8 months ago

Video configuration tutorial of Cetis phone can be found on the below link Lobby Phones present a challenge when installing because there is no keypad with which to enter the configuration filename (ConfigID) or other configuration, or even to get the IP address (**47# on phones with keypad). Two suggested methods to deal with lobby phone configuration are the following:

1. Buttons rubber pads can be accessed by removing faceplates phones. This rubber pads may be used while configuring phone. Check **47# using the key rubber pads to get IP and login to web page and configure.

2. Configure the phone by using the mac address to find the phone's IP address from the DHCP server. Then go to the phones IP address in a web browser and login. From there, you can either manually load a configuration file, or manually change the configuration settings.Special Configuration on lobby phones generally consists of configuring a 'hotline' or sometimes called 'ringdown' by users. This is where the phone will automatically dial a specified extension immediately. There is also a warm line where the phone will dial a specified extension if the user does not dial in a certain time frame. To configure hotline:Go to 'Hotline' under Call Features and enter an extension:Set the Warm Line Time to 0.

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